Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Rain Swish

Rain Swish

Jen s Pirate Booty sheer shirt
$129 - shopthetrendboutique.com

Rue21 ruffle top
$22 - rue21.com

THVM atelier wax jeans
$53 - idontlikemondays.us

Clinch printed bag
€139 - zenggi.com

Eddie Borgo pave bangle
$1,095 - cultstatus.com.au

Iosselliani rhinestone jewelry
$175 - cultstatus.com.au

Chain jewelry
$114 - idontlikemondays.us

Vanessa Mooney wrap bracelet
$14 - needsupply.com

$625 - cultstatus.com.au

Valentino studded glove
$475 - net-a-porter.com

$270 - forzieri.com

Heather Huey straw hat
$198 - idontlikemondays.us

Marc Jacobs Lola Eau De Parfum 100ml
£63 - harveynichols.com

NARS Galion Nail Polish
$17 - narscosmetics.com

Melissa Ultragirl Flocked
$114 - idontlikemondays.us

Monday, September 5, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Quotes :)

❝ The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others ❞
~Sonya Friedman

Sticks and stones may brake my bones, BUT that's the furthest they will EVER go

7 million girls and women have eating disorders as well as 1 million boys and men 10% report them starting at age 10 or younger, while 33% through the ages of 10 or 15

There is beauty in the world. There is hope. The world is going to keep on turning, no matter what. It’s hard to keep up sometimes, but, it’s worth it once you find your rhythm. It’s worth it to keep on trying.
❝ What I hate is ignorance, smallness of imagination, the eye that sees no farther than its own lashes. All things are possible… who you are is limited only by who you think you are. ❞

My body is not your community service project, my body is not your soulless fetish object, I do not need to justify my body to you or anyone, my body does not make me a joke nor does it make me insensitive to your hurtful remarks, my body is not an excuse for you to treat me like a second class citizen, my body is none of your business.

Listen to me.
You are enough. Despite that horrible, starless black wave of fear and guilt and imperfections that seems to be coming closer to you, inch by inch, you are enough. That wave is a figment of our society’s imagination. In reality, we are all enough.

I’m sick of girls walking around with their arms crossed and hair covering their face in order to hide their bodies. I’m sick of that sting of anxiety that comes when you see a picture of a girl that you want to look like. I’m sick of the way we treat our bodies, as if they are a punching bag. If we want to lose weight, we starve. If we want to gain weight, we binge. The bodies that have been given to us are beautiful and strong, but they are also fragile. Even if we don’t want to admit it, we are fragile.
To be perfectly honest with you ladies, I am at a fork in the road of accepting myself. Everything I speak about to you? I believe in it 100%. But it’s so difficult to see myself the same way. I believe in all of you, but I don’t believe in myself. And that’s part of why I created this blog. I wanted to join all of the women (and men) who are struggling with who they are.

To quote one of my favorite songs, "we are all in this together, we are all in this alone." It’s so true. We are all in this together. We all share struggles and toils that come along with being a part of whatever it means to be human. But each one of our experiences is completely our own. I didn’t fully realize this until one of my teachers was speaking to me earlier this year. As I don’t remember her exact words, I’m going to take what she said and put in into context about the blog- I could talk at you all I wanted about beauty and how everyone is perfect just the way they are, but in reality? Loving yourself is your choice. It’s a simple yes or no question.
There are going to be days where you just want to wear baggy sweatshirts and hide from the world. There are going to be days when you want to run outside and feel summer’s green grass in between your toes and feel the sunlight blanketing your skin. Loving yourself isn’t easy. It’s messy. It sometimes seems stupid. It’s confusing and irritating. But my god, is it beautiful

Be Content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.’ ~Lao Tzu
People can be so ignorant today. Don’t be ignorant. Stand up for a change in the way our society works. Stand up for those who can’t.
"You don’t have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body." -C.S. Lewis
Here’s the thing: life moves on. As hectic and sad as things can get, life goes on. Sometimes it might seem easier to just drop out of school and sleep for the rest of your life than deal with everything going on. Sometimes it might even seem easier to slam your head against a wall or floss your teeth with that ridiculously thin plastic floss that makes your gums bleed.But think about it. Our world rotates at 108,000 kilometers each hour, never stopping to take a breath. It just keeps fucking moving. The ground we stand on never stops. So why should we?
"Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live."
— Jim Rohn

"A human being is part of a whole, called by us the "universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few people near us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.""Don’t go through life. GROW through life."
— Albert Einstein

"People need to see themselves as miracles and worthy of love."
— Virginia Satir

A woman is often measured by the things she cannot control. She is measured by the way her body curves or doesn’t curve, by where she is flat or straight or round. She is measured by 36-24-36 and inches and ages and numbers, by all the outside things that don’t ever add up to who she is on the inside. And so if a woman is to be measured, let her be measured by the things she can control, by who she is and who she is trying to become. Because as every woman knows, measurements are only statistics. and STATISTICS LIE"Look at you. You’re young. And you’re scared. Why are you so scared? Stop being paralyzed. Stop swallowing your words. Stop caring what other people think. Wear what you want. Say what you want. Listen to the music you want to listen to. Play it loud as fuck and dance to it. Go out for a drive at midnight and forget that you have school the next day. Stop waiting for Friday. Live now. Do it now. Take risks. Tell secrets. This life is yours. When are you going to realize that you can do whatever you want?"
— Louise Flory
"…the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous."
— Carrie Bradshaw

"The woman wins who calls herself beautiful and challenges the world to change to truly see her." ~Naomi Wolf
You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
— C.S. Lewis

Wherever you go, there you are. You are right where you need to be.
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
— Marilyn Monroe

Beauty. If you believe me or not, you and I have it. Don’t think so? Look deeply in the mirror, you see that bright light where your heart is? That’s the beauty God gave you. If you’re like me and are super insecure about your looks, I recommend you to continue to read this. 3 years ago, when I was 11, (lmao do the math xD), I lost all self-esteem I ever had. It started off because people told me I was ugly, but then I realized that I was causing myself to be like this. The only person to blame at that time when I didn’t know I was the criminal, I blamed God. I always said, "Why did you do this to me?! Why did you make so many beautiful women and then make the mistake of making me?" I regret that. I love God. Anyways, back to the story… I went into a minor depression. I kept thinking of just leaving everyone and everything to make them happy. I always thought of committing suicide. Until he came along. LMAO no, no one changed me, only I changed myself. I thought, what would killing myself do? Nothing. I was so dumb for thinking that leaving people’s lives would make them happy. I just needed to change my attitude and find my beauty. I tried to stay positive, forget the break up, and just have fun. You only have one life, live it while you can because you may never know what tomorrow may bring. Yes, I still have problems, but I’m working my butt to make my self-esteem how it was when I was little. So hold your head up and keep walking. Ignore what they say and just remember, no matter what you think or what they think, I KNOW you’re beautiful. And God made you beautiful for someone who will take care of you with all their heart. <3
"Why should you think that beauty, which is the most precious thing in the world, lies like a stone on the beach for the careless passer-by to pick up idly?
Beauty is something wonderful and strange that the artist fashions out of the chaos of the world in the torment of his soul. And when he has made it, it is not given to all to know it. To recognize it you must repeat the adventure of the artist. It is a melody that he sings to you, and to hear it again in your own heart you want knowledge and sensitiveness and imagination."
You were made for a reason, because your needed. You are not alone, someone needs you right now. You were made to be loved. What does love mean to you?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I am really upset. I am loosing interest in blogging. I dont know what to blog about anymore! It used to be my life! :( Now watching beauty gurus on Youtube is my life. Maybe I should find a life that is off the interwebs?

I was going to vent here, but I dont know. It just doesnt seem right. But... I dont know. I have had frequent bad nights, lately. Like one or two a week. And I have been worrying about Chad lately. But.. I dont know. I have been trying to find my passion. In 8th grade I was obsessed with drawing, and this year I have been obsessed with photography and poetry. Maybe thats me... Im always changing. Is that possible? Or am I just set to be something, and will get there one day, or was it drawing and I already passed it? I also am obsessed with makeup lately. Gah I lost my thoughts. I am sorry. Goodnight. Hopefully I will have something to post about soon <3

Thursday, July 14, 2011

This land is your land, This land is my land...

This song, :This land is your land-Song, has always made me cry. No matter where I am, or what version it is. I always cry... I dont know why.

All I know is that something, in my childhood, has to deal with this song. And it must have been a really bad memory, because this song just breaks me whenever I hear it. Its a good song. I just dont know what it is about it. I think it had something to do with my mom. Or 9-11. My dad thinks me, and my two friends when I was little, Natalie and Maria made a dance to it or something. But its not really a dancing song. I remember like, mountains and a flag, and little kids singing. And I dont know.

Also, I remember watching a movie with my sister Kelly and my mom and it was about a child who fell off a big toy and broke his arm, then like, I asked my sister about it and she didnt know what I was talking about.

I just dont know.

Also, I am lost, I dont know if Im a blonde/brunette with natural makeup and a good girl personality, or a black/colored hair girl, with funky colorful makeup and a badass weird outside, but a sweet personality on the inside. I dont know if I want to be an artist, graffiti artist, makeup artist, poet, charity person, wedding organizer, event coordinator, or what. I dont know if I should fight for my friends who left me when I made a mistake. I dont like who I was, before I arrived at Shasta. I like that I got baptized, and I am living for Christ, rather than myself. I like that I have a reason to change. To not curse, to be a good daughter, and friend. To be the most helpful, loving person I can be. Someone who is fun, and creative, and interesting, and Christian, hopeful, faithful. All of that. I want to be everything.

I dont know what I want to do in my life, or go to college for. I want to learn so many things. Do I know anything at all? Am I intelligente? Am I mentally handicap? Am I mental? Is being different a bad thing? Or am I just the same as everyone else? Did I learn anything in school? Is it possible for me to learn anything? Do memorys matter? Am I stupid? Is there a boy out there for me? Will I have love? Or does it matter? Should I date? Is it possible not to date? Should I care? Is there something wrong with me? Should I change? What should I be? How should I act? What should I do? Who should my friends be? Will there be signs of where to go and what I am? Is this confusion just a stage? 

Am I beautiful?

Sunday, June 19, 2011

It just keeps getting worse.. Im not the daughter he wants and he makes that clear, everyday. I am not happy at home, and I havent been in awhile. I blew up at him today. The first time I blew up at him. Usually I just cry without him knowing, but this time I was yelling at him and bawling my eyes out. I dont like it at home, for more than one reason, and I leave for Shasta on thursday so I will be gone for 8 days, surrounded by homophobes and wont see any of my real friends, and possibly will be out of cell phone service. Idk if I can do that... And I might go to shellys, I might just run away and sleep at a park, havent decided yet, I just cant stay at home...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well friday is the last day of school for the Seniors. Tomorrow is the senior assembly... with the baby pictures, slideshow, and moving up in seating and such. I am going to cry SO much! Molly from TATU was also my 6th grade reading buddy back when I was in 3rd grade, and today I realized it was the last time I would see her.... when we hugged goodbye I started crying. Hell, I am on the verge of tears just thinking about it. Imagine tomorrow.... Saying goodbye to all those seniors.... All those seniors... who I have looked up to for almost a year. Wow. To think I will be done with high school in three short years... It is amazing how fast this year went, like I can hardly believe it. I wish them all the best of luck in that big world. I am not going to wear hardly any makeup tomorrow, cause I dont want to have mascara running down my cheeks all day:P Cause I KNOW I will be crying practically nonstop. Goodness I will miss them:'(

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Im just one hell of a mess lately. I can hardly admit any of it to myself, but I am my own problem. I guarantee you if I didnt cut, I wouldnt be begging myself to commit suicide. If i didnt cut, I wouldnt be unhappy. If I didnt cut, I wouldnt be pushing the few people who care away. If I didnt cut, I wouldnt be a bitch to you. If I didnt cut, I wouldnt be making you worry...

Monday, June 13, 2011

People are bothering me lately

Its crazy, I love her, but shes driving me insane!!!

She like gets in "I dont care" moods and like, doesnt say anything, and doesnt do anything and just sits there typing on her phone. And I asked her what was wrong when she was in this mood on sunday and she wouldnt give me any answers and then like she just wont do anything! And shes a real bitch when shes like this! And then like, she makes me feel stupid and not good enough and stuff and yeah.

Oh and she says she has a secret Twitter that only she knows about and its just "her place" and Im totally okay with this but I am just worried. And then one day she asked me what I would do if I found out she cut, and I think I said cut, and she said thats what she was afraid of. And I am just really worried about her lately.

And then daddy. He is all "Whatever, fuck you" Well thats what it feels like anyways. I am doing a slut walk on Sunday but apparently there is a big family dinner with family i never see and they dont give a shit about me that day and dad says family is more important than a slut walk and im like this is to prevent girls from getting raped, do you want me to get prego at 16? And hes all "there are other rape prevention stuff" and im all whatever. I just dont want to be here anymore. And then he just looks down on me as if Im stupid and not worth anything.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well I never knew that in high school they kicked the homework and the stress load into over load for the last month and a half!!!

Crazy amount of work!!!!

  • Romeo and Juliet Exam-200 points
  • Renaissance faire
  • To kill a mocking bird-10 chapters read by friday
  • Powerpoint
  • Script
  • ^^Memorized
  • Oral speaking quiz
World History
  • Renaissance Idol essay-200pts
  • Renaissance Idol planning guide
  • Renaissance Idol research guide
  • Renaissance Idol power point presentation
Walking for Fittness
  • Final
  • Fittness log
  • Hubble acadamy Lab
  • Insturment
  • Instrument Lab
  • Instrument planning guide
  • Instrument physics
  • End of course Exam

I feel like I'm in love with a married man

Okay so cory and I recently confessed that we're in love with eachother.
Amazing, isn't it?
Yeah, and its weird... Its like I feel that its real... that he actually is in love with me... I like it..
I've never felt like this before...
And I will admit, its a little weird, cause hes so old and such, but hes still mine :)
nd its like, we agreed that we're not gonna go out but we're just gonna be in love <3 Sounds good doesn't it?
Well it does to me :)
And he broke up with Ashley five days before we admited to being in love with eachother.
He loves Ashley, I know.
She loves him.
I am in love with him.
He is in love with me.
They're going to prom together
Cory wants to go to prom with me
Ashley doesn't really want to go to prom with him.
Ashley wont talk to him after prom.
Ashley is upset.
Cory is upset.
Cory wasn't happy with her.
Cory is happier now.
I don't know :/

Friday, May 27, 2011


Okay so first theres alot on my mind! Shall I share?
I think I shal!

  • Beauty-life vlogs! I really wanna start doing them! I dont know why, they just seem like fun!:D Maybe start like filming on my ipod/camera? :)
  • Nail polish-I just put some on, Red with gold shimmer on top. I kinda like really pretty nail polishes:P I should wear it more so I can get better at putting it on!
  • Seattle Center events! Theres like a 5k, an art contest, and such:D
Um. yeah... not as much as i thought...

But yeah!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So i was telling my dad about the times I stood up for things I believed in, he doesnt say anything but tell me I shouldnt. I tell him bout when I kept my mouth shut, he says good job. Wtf??? Thats not how its supposed to be.. Ya know??

Ever just have too much?

Too much going on? Too much to think about? Too much... just too much?

Yeah, never understood that before... Now I do.. This is crazy..

In middle school we used to stop doing work at about Memorial day... Now... its like... they kick it into overdrive... I am going to suffocate!!!

Gosh... Science-Making an instrument and write up a lab report, due on June 3, not even started
World History-Essay and Power Point due on June 1, pretty much done
Spanish-Powerpoint memorized, June 1

:'( I cant do this.

Gagas new cd

Well for my birthday back in March my sister Randi got me the new Lady Gaga CD that came out on monday (the 23rd) and it got here yesterday and I have been listening to it:D

I love Born this way (shocker:P) The Edge of Glory, and Bad Kids XD

The cd has reeallllyyy  odd songs.... like Government Hooker, Hair, ScheiBe, Bloody Marry, Bad Kids, Highway Unicorn, Heavy Metal Lover, and Electric Chapel.... WEIRD!

Oh, and I looked up what "SchieBe" and what it meant in German.... basically the chorus is "Shit, shit from mine, shit, from mine"...lol wut?

My week

Well, this is basically what my week looks like usually:

Monday-GSA (Gay Straight Alliance)

Tuesday-Glee <3

Wednesday-Youth Group :)

Thursday-Art Club! :)

Friday- Whatever I want!! :D

I am upset with myself that I havent been blogging...

Im sorry :(

Monday, May 23, 2011

Isabella D'este for Renaissance Idol

                        Isabella D’este should be the next Renaissance Idol
            The Renaissance was basically the rebirth of man involving arts, the beginning of the creation of modern history. It was more musical, artistic, creative and independent. Everyone was collectively, creating themselves individually. Expressing themselves, through music, or art, or writing. The Renaissance was a busy time, so many firsts, new experiences, discoveries, inventions, basically a big burst in technological and creative advancement for the future of our culture. This period was also focused on the achievements of humans. The Renaissance built itself an identity of rebirth, and discovery. There was a lot of change from the Medieval ways to the modern ways in society, they went from strict, to independent expression. The Renaissance was a crucial period for change.
                Christopher Columbus discovered America, because he was curious and explored. If he hadn’t… America wouldn’t be the America we know and love today. So, that was a big step! Michelangelo was busy painting the Sistine Chapel. The Sistine Chapel just happens to be the most well known Chapel in the Apostolic Palace. Michelangelo took four years to paint the  1,100m2 that he painted. William Shakespeare was writing his never-to-be-forgotten plays, like Romeo and Juliet and MacBeth. He was expressing himself through his playwriting. All of these discoveries, and forever remembered paintings and plays, are thanks to the creativity and expression that the Renaissance period promoted. As I’ve explained, the Renaissance was a very busy, creative, artistic, and expressive time. While also pushing aside the ways that were upon the city by Medieval Ways. In this day and time of 2011, people are definitely less expressive, and more scared of what people think. It's pretty safe to say that everyone expresses themselves in one way or another, whether its painting a mural somewhere,  showing something, or getting something across. Or writing about a love that one dreams of, in a play, writing about something you care deeply about. People are most definitely  influenced by the Renaissance in modern day, and that will never change.
            Isabella D'este was a big part of the Renaissance time period, and of this modern day world . She was a remarkable humanist and patron of the arts, and she deserved to be recognized way more than she is. Isabella was born into the Ferra family, in 1474. She was also the oldest of 6. Her father strongly believed in the equality for men and women, so of course he educated her. The possibilities of what people could do as individuals was amazing to her, she encouraged everyone to do big things with their lives. When she learned about it more and more she agreed with her father, that man and women should be equal. She grew up with a great knowledge about many things, and she enjoyed the benefits and a knowledge of classical education. She knew far more than any other woman her age when she was 16. When she was 16, she could sing, dance, play the lute, and intelligently debate and converse on politics with ambassadors. Isabella was also a very supportive patron of the arts, she collected local artists' art pieces, and displayed them in her home, which eventually turned in to a museum. Her house attracted many famous artists, musicians, and writers to their area. She also founded a school for young women to attend. This was a big part of the Renaissance because young women were able to learn and gain an education which was rare for most women of that time.
          Some characteristics the Renaissance idol should have would be devoted, powerful, respectful, responsible, intelligent, and courageous. These are some characteristics I believe the Renaissance Idol should have because they are characteristics everyone should have; especially the Renaissance Idol. A Renaissance Idol should especially have these cause an Idol is a role modle who is a people pleaser. Someone who people can look up to. Isabella D'este was dedicated to everything she did. She was so devoted to helping to get equality for men and women, she also loved helpIng local artists get their art the praise and publicity it needed by displaying it in her home. Isabella D'este best represents the Renaissance because she was devoted to having equal rights for men and women, she also supported the arts, she ruled Mantua and she was one of the smartest women in history.
            She was dedicated to helping men and women have equal rights, she was following in her father's footsteps. He was her major influence in this department because he was very passionate about this subject as well. Isabella personally received royal schooling, she studied Roman history. She helped get equality for men and women majorly by founding a school for young women. This was a huge deal back then because it was unheard of that women went to school, that was the man's job. It was known that the stereotype for a "Renaissance Man" classified her as well. When young women started to get an education, that’s when things started to change, they started being more independent. Isabella encouraged all women to break the traditional role. Women and the Renaissance were breaking the traditional role. Isabella also set fashion trends and standards that appeared very popular. She was also inventing dances. She had a good impact on all women, and was a major inspiration. Some people might say that it wasn’t right for the woman to have an education back then, and yes, this is understandable cause it was very unheard of then. Although, she majorly impacted this world, if it wasn’t for her, the way society looks at girls compared to guys wouldn’t be the same.
            Isabella D'este was a patron of the arts, which was the love and soul of the Renaissance. It's what the Renaissance was all about; lots of art, and creativity was contagious, and Isabella decided to display some of the art from local artists in her home. She ended up having so much amazing art from so many artists, that she turned her house into a museum. The museum attracted many artists, writers, sculptors, actors, and musicians from all around to their area, Isabella got to know most of them rather well. When all these artists and musicians came, and made the population grow, they just made the environment better. They were living there and creating their art there and becoming a part of the Renaissance. They helped the Renaissance grow. She helped the Renaissance grow. It is true that Isabella herself wasn’t known for being an artist, she was a singer, and musician though. She played the lute and was known to be physically attractive and had an angelic voice. Isabella was a big part of the arts during the Renaissance.
            She was the closest a woman came to writing history during the Renaissance. When she was sixteen years old she could sing, dance, play the lute, and intelligently debate with ambassadors. One of the strongest, and most powerful women of the Renaissance period by far. When her husband couldn’t rule, she did, and when she did, she signed a peace treaty and he got freed. When her husband was released, he was ill and weak, so he couldn’t rule for awhile, so she did. When Fransisco saw how intelligent and powerful her wife was, and that she was upstaging him, he was humiliated and furious. He stared being mean to her, and making fun of her. She knew she shouldn’t have to put up with him not appreciating her, so she was independent and went to Rome, where she was treated like a queen for all she's known for. She accomplished her life's dream and ruled a tiny part in Romanga, Solaria. She has obviously done a lot with her life. Much more than most women in the Renaissance period. Women back then didn’t do things like that, yes, most women, but Isabella D'este did.
            Without Isabella D'este, woman could not have had the equality  to men at the time they did, it would have taken way longer, and probably wouldn’t have gone as great. The Renaissance wouldn’t have been as incredible without her turning her house into a museum full of local artists work. She is an incredible woman, leader, and person. What a great role model she is model too, she has such a major influence on the Renaissance and how our world is today, she was a big deal who needs more recognition and credit for all she has done. Isabella D'este should obviously should be the next Renaissance Idol!

It is currently 4am on a monday...FML

Yeah so I have an essay on the Renaissance Idol whatever due in like three hours. So I took daddys advice and pulled an all nighter... STUPID! I finished it though, and I finished my spanish final earlier. Goodness. I also went for a run at about 2:30am... stupid... I pretty much came home having an asthma attack and threw up>> I am soooo stressed.... Oh, and in three hours and twenty minutes there is an exam on Romeo and Juliet. I didnt get the study guide for it cause I was late to school and yeah.... FML! Its an EXAM... not a test or quiz.... and its worth 200 points.... Grrrrrr! Oh! And tomorrow I have a job interview.... Grrrrr!!!! I sure as hell hope we dont have anything going on in science or I swear I'll lose it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

So much... So little blogging :(

I havent been on here recently. Probably because I have tried to start up a new blog, about my art and my art alone. ( mylifeasanartist.blogspot.com) I just dont know quite how to do it. I dont know how to arrange the pictures in a way that displays them good. OMG! BRAIN BLAST! I will upload them all to my DeviantArt account! Cause you can do poems and art and such on there and its like a blog!:D Then I can just send the link for my DeviantArt account to the lady I met at the Art Walk in Seattle on the last First Thursday!:D
Oh, and I am crazy busy! Like, everyday its like, dying my hair, youth group, dads birthday, Shellys house, my house, Maddy, skating, job interviews, whatever it is, its crazy busy lately!
Yesterday I dyed my hair :)
Its brown again, lol, I had to look professional for my job interview tomorrow:D Yeah, I am cleaning this guys house for 15$ an hour two days a week from 230-630!:D And from what I know so far, he is rich, has a beach house, a wife and three kids, probaly daughters, and he teaches in Yakima and hes going there tomorrow morning and his wife is taking the girls to their ranch to ride horses. They sound like an amazing family!
I love Youth Group!!! So much on my mind about that, I think I'll do a sperate post about Youth Group this past wednesday, it was awesome:D
Today at school we had the girls Molly and Lauren from the Kind Campaign, and Finding Kind, come to our school to talk about how vicious girls can be. We watched a film about it and it was good. I didnt think it was anything fabulous but I really hope it helped some girls at school. Girls are bitches... yeah. But I bawled my eyes out cause I cry when I see other people cry. Lol and we got a picture with Lauren, so im happy about that :)
Oh, and my daddys birthday is tomorrow:D 53! Tomorrow is also supposedly doomesday... we'll see about that.
And I said goodbye to Jameson...
Phil and I are talking again... hes amazing, and I want him always in my life.
Cory is such a sweetheart :)
I LOVE MUSIC! Such amazing songs at the moment... :D Also, I think I am the only person on the planet who doesnt enjoy parodys and such.
I miss tony :(
I relapsed twice
Omegle is awesome:D
Being asexual is ok!
Ice skating is AMAZING! I love it again :) :)
Oh, and June plans!!!! Shasta possibly, California possibly, Finals, projects, yearbooks, etc.
Goodness I think this deserves more posts :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

5K Komen for the cure walk:D

Yeah, basically what the title says. June 5, Seattle Center! I cant wait! I've been waiting forever to do a walk for breast cancer! Haha yeah, Im excited:D

New blog?

Well on the first thursday art walk I went on with Tony and Schnabel the other day, we met this artist, and she said that I should shoot her an email with some pictures of my work, or like a link to my blog. So I am thinking I should paint/draw more and then start a blog with my art on it.

Dont worry, I wont be neglecting this blog, but I will have another! :)

30 day song challenge-failed

day 01 - your favorite song-You cant stop the beat        
day 02 - your least favorite song Friday 
day 03 - a song that makes you happy More Beautiful You
day 04 - a song that makes you sad The way she feels    
day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone Beautiful, Beautiful
day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere Dog Days are Over
day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event Baby
day 08 - a song that you know all the words to When Im gone
day 09 - a song that you can dance to Hoedown Throwdown
day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep My Immortal
day 11 - a song from your favorite band I'd come for you
day 12 - a song from a band you hate Welcome To The Black Parade
day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure The Climb
day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love L.A. Song
day 15 - a song that describes you I feel pretty/Unpretty
day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate Lips of an Angel
day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio ET
day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio More than a love song
day 19 - a song from your favorite album Arise
day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry I hate everything about you
day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy I could not ask for more-
day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad Fucking Perfect-P!Nk
day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding Firework-Katy Perry
day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral The Time of my life-David Cook
day 25 - a song that makes you laugh Pants on the ground-Pants on the ground crew
day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument Twinkle Twinkle little stars-Me
day 27 - a song that you wish you could play Bellas lulluby-Twilight
day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty Comes and goes-Greg Laswell
day 29 - a song from your childhood I cant wait-Hilary Duff
day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year Gotta be somebody-Nickelback

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This time

This time you've lost all my respect,
This time you've dishonored me,
Says you, and now its me whos the one who's wrecked,
There were days I would grovel at your feet, on my knees,
That I wouldn't thing twice, I'd do anything,
Not today, without you no more am I incomplete,
This time, I can admit, to myself, that you were just a fling,
Even though, I ran straight towards you, knowing you'd do this to me,
Knowing you'd give up on me this time,
Not tonite, will you be the reason I give up,
This time I grow
Grow, away from you,
Grow because of you,
Grow, grow, grow,
Gonna grow for no one but me,
Grow to write some new pages,
Grow and paint my new paintings,
Grow, grow, grow,
I used to break so easily, this time, once again, you broke me,
Before this time I'd be praying to get you back,
But that's just like slowly drowing,
Not today, this time, not gonna back track like that
Today, today, today,
This time, I'm gonna grow.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

First try!

Killah tube top
50 EUR - zalando.de

Old Navy racerback tank top
$17 - oldnavy.gap.com

Disney Couture vest
25 GBP - truffleshuffle.co.uk

Printed vest
25 GBP - warehouse.co.uk

Milly tiered skirt
346 EUR - my-wardrobe.com

Halston heritage
$431 - boutique1.com

Alice Olivia satin short
$155 - net-a-porter.com

TopShop pink tight
$12 - topshop.com

Christian Louboutin platform heels
$1,195 - footcandyshoes.com

Marni ballet shoes
$500 - net-a-porter.com

Christian Louboutin platform heels
495 GBP - brownsfashion.com

Ed hardy heels
$99 - edhardyshop.com

Converse trainer
$20 - hottopic.com

Tote bag
170 GBP - karenmillen.com

ASOS clutch
100 GBP - asos.com

Mar Y Sol straw tote
$88 - nordstrom.com

Don t Ask Amanda backpack bag
$50 - generalpants.com.au

Isharya engraved ring
$165 - net-a-porter.com

Juicy couture jewelry
$148 - nordstrom.com

98 GBP - zentosa.com

Saskia Diez beaded jewelry
$65 - lagarconne.com

Disney Couture engraved ring
30 GBP - mylabel.co.uk

Disney Couture platinum necklace
27 GBP - mylabel.co.uk

ALDO beaded jewelry
$18 - aldoshoes.com

Forever21 wrap around bracelet
$7.80 - forever21.com

H M metal ring
3.99 GBP - hm.com

Tsumori Chisato scarve
$245 - openingceremony.us

Marc by Marc jacob
$28 - nordstrom.com

Fantas Eyes glass shade
$22 - endless.com

American Apparel hair clips accessory
$14 - americanapparel.net

Purple shade
$7.99 - gogglesandglasses.com

Dorothy Perkins waist belt
5 GBP - dorothyperkins.com

H M cap hat
3.99 GBP - hm.com

Gothic glove
3.95 GBP - chaoticclothing.co.uk

2011 Makeup Trends
$19 - squidoo.com