Monday, May 23, 2011

It is currently 4am on a monday...FML

Yeah so I have an essay on the Renaissance Idol whatever due in like three hours. So I took daddys advice and pulled an all nighter... STUPID! I finished it though, and I finished my spanish final earlier. Goodness. I also went for a run at about 2:30am... stupid... I pretty much came home having an asthma attack and threw up>> I am soooo stressed.... Oh, and in three hours and twenty minutes there is an exam on Romeo and Juliet. I didnt get the study guide for it cause I was late to school and yeah.... FML! Its an EXAM... not a test or quiz.... and its worth 200 points.... Grrrrrr! Oh! And tomorrow I have a job interview.... Grrrrr!!!! I sure as hell hope we dont have anything going on in science or I swear I'll lose it.

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