Wednesday, May 11, 2011

This time

This time you've lost all my respect,
This time you've dishonored me,
Says you, and now its me whos the one who's wrecked,
There were days I would grovel at your feet, on my knees,
That I wouldn't thing twice, I'd do anything,
Not today, without you no more am I incomplete,
This time, I can admit, to myself, that you were just a fling,
Even though, I ran straight towards you, knowing you'd do this to me,
Knowing you'd give up on me this time,
Not tonite, will you be the reason I give up,
This time I grow
Grow, away from you,
Grow because of you,
Grow, grow, grow,
Gonna grow for no one but me,
Grow to write some new pages,
Grow and paint my new paintings,
Grow, grow, grow,
I used to break so easily, this time, once again, you broke me,
Before this time I'd be praying to get you back,
But that's just like slowly drowing,
Not today, this time, not gonna back track like that
Today, today, today,
This time, I'm gonna grow.

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