Sunday, May 1, 2011

I feel so different than all the other teenagers around, but i know, somewhere out there, theres another person who feels the same way. Im more romantic than lusty, rarely horney, yet with the right person i am willing to have sex with, making out is rather gross, foreplay isnt that fun, but snuggled up with a blanket on the couch watching a disney movie, or laying on a feild of grass at a park and listening to good music while sharing headphones, or just plain hanging out sound like the best things in the world. I am fairly certain these arent things that most teenage guys would enjoy, nor do, but I am okay with that. And I am pretty certain the only reason I am going boy to boy so quick lately is because I am lonely... I just want someone to put me first, to make me their number one. To walk to my house in the rain when Im having a bad day. To freaking care when Im having a bad day. To put up with me, and everything I come with, with what ive gone through, to what im doing, where i am, and where Im going. And to see me at my worst when I'm on my period or sick or going through something and just be able to say at the end of the day that he loves me. This all may be and probably is too much to ask at only 15, but I hope that I will be lucky enough to have someone like this, boy or girl, when i grow old.

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