Friday, May 20, 2011

So much... So little blogging :(

I havent been on here recently. Probably because I have tried to start up a new blog, about my art and my art alone. ( I just dont know quite how to do it. I dont know how to arrange the pictures in a way that displays them good. OMG! BRAIN BLAST! I will upload them all to my DeviantArt account! Cause you can do poems and art and such on there and its like a blog!:D Then I can just send the link for my DeviantArt account to the lady I met at the Art Walk in Seattle on the last First Thursday!:D
Oh, and I am crazy busy! Like, everyday its like, dying my hair, youth group, dads birthday, Shellys house, my house, Maddy, skating, job interviews, whatever it is, its crazy busy lately!
Yesterday I dyed my hair :)
Its brown again, lol, I had to look professional for my job interview tomorrow:D Yeah, I am cleaning this guys house for 15$ an hour two days a week from 230-630!:D And from what I know so far, he is rich, has a beach house, a wife and three kids, probaly daughters, and he teaches in Yakima and hes going there tomorrow morning and his wife is taking the girls to their ranch to ride horses. They sound like an amazing family!
I love Youth Group!!! So much on my mind about that, I think I'll do a sperate post about Youth Group this past wednesday, it was awesome:D
Today at school we had the girls Molly and Lauren from the Kind Campaign, and Finding Kind, come to our school to talk about how vicious girls can be. We watched a film about it and it was good. I didnt think it was anything fabulous but I really hope it helped some girls at school. Girls are bitches... yeah. But I bawled my eyes out cause I cry when I see other people cry. Lol and we got a picture with Lauren, so im happy about that :)
Oh, and my daddys birthday is tomorrow:D 53! Tomorrow is also supposedly doomesday... we'll see about that.
And I said goodbye to Jameson...
Phil and I are talking again... hes amazing, and I want him always in my life.
Cory is such a sweetheart :)
I LOVE MUSIC! Such amazing songs at the moment... :D Also, I think I am the only person on the planet who doesnt enjoy parodys and such.
I miss tony :(
I relapsed twice
Omegle is awesome:D
Being asexual is ok!
Ice skating is AMAZING! I love it again :) :)
Oh, and June plans!!!! Shasta possibly, California possibly, Finals, projects, yearbooks, etc.
Goodness I think this deserves more posts :)

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