Monday, May 23, 2011

Isabella D'este for Renaissance Idol

                        Isabella D’este should be the next Renaissance Idol
            The Renaissance was basically the rebirth of man involving arts, the beginning of the creation of modern history. It was more musical, artistic, creative and independent. Everyone was collectively, creating themselves individually. Expressing themselves, through music, or art, or writing. The Renaissance was a busy time, so many firsts, new experiences, discoveries, inventions, basically a big burst in technological and creative advancement for the future of our culture. This period was also focused on the achievements of humans. The Renaissance built itself an identity of rebirth, and discovery. There was a lot of change from the Medieval ways to the modern ways in society, they went from strict, to independent expression. The Renaissance was a crucial period for change.
                Christopher Columbus discovered America, because he was curious and explored. If he hadn’t… America wouldn’t be the America we know and love today. So, that was a big step! Michelangelo was busy painting the Sistine Chapel. The Sistine Chapel just happens to be the most well known Chapel in the Apostolic Palace. Michelangelo took four years to paint the  1,100m2 that he painted. William Shakespeare was writing his never-to-be-forgotten plays, like Romeo and Juliet and MacBeth. He was expressing himself through his playwriting. All of these discoveries, and forever remembered paintings and plays, are thanks to the creativity and expression that the Renaissance period promoted. As I’ve explained, the Renaissance was a very busy, creative, artistic, and expressive time. While also pushing aside the ways that were upon the city by Medieval Ways. In this day and time of 2011, people are definitely less expressive, and more scared of what people think. It's pretty safe to say that everyone expresses themselves in one way or another, whether its painting a mural somewhere,  showing something, or getting something across. Or writing about a love that one dreams of, in a play, writing about something you care deeply about. People are most definitely  influenced by the Renaissance in modern day, and that will never change.
            Isabella D'este was a big part of the Renaissance time period, and of this modern day world . She was a remarkable humanist and patron of the arts, and she deserved to be recognized way more than she is. Isabella was born into the Ferra family, in 1474. She was also the oldest of 6. Her father strongly believed in the equality for men and women, so of course he educated her. The possibilities of what people could do as individuals was amazing to her, she encouraged everyone to do big things with their lives. When she learned about it more and more she agreed with her father, that man and women should be equal. She grew up with a great knowledge about many things, and she enjoyed the benefits and a knowledge of classical education. She knew far more than any other woman her age when she was 16. When she was 16, she could sing, dance, play the lute, and intelligently debate and converse on politics with ambassadors. Isabella was also a very supportive patron of the arts, she collected local artists' art pieces, and displayed them in her home, which eventually turned in to a museum. Her house attracted many famous artists, musicians, and writers to their area. She also founded a school for young women to attend. This was a big part of the Renaissance because young women were able to learn and gain an education which was rare for most women of that time.
          Some characteristics the Renaissance idol should have would be devoted, powerful, respectful, responsible, intelligent, and courageous. These are some characteristics I believe the Renaissance Idol should have because they are characteristics everyone should have; especially the Renaissance Idol. A Renaissance Idol should especially have these cause an Idol is a role modle who is a people pleaser. Someone who people can look up to. Isabella D'este was dedicated to everything she did. She was so devoted to helping to get equality for men and women, she also loved helpIng local artists get their art the praise and publicity it needed by displaying it in her home. Isabella D'este best represents the Renaissance because she was devoted to having equal rights for men and women, she also supported the arts, she ruled Mantua and she was one of the smartest women in history.
            She was dedicated to helping men and women have equal rights, she was following in her father's footsteps. He was her major influence in this department because he was very passionate about this subject as well. Isabella personally received royal schooling, she studied Roman history. She helped get equality for men and women majorly by founding a school for young women. This was a huge deal back then because it was unheard of that women went to school, that was the man's job. It was known that the stereotype for a "Renaissance Man" classified her as well. When young women started to get an education, that’s when things started to change, they started being more independent. Isabella encouraged all women to break the traditional role. Women and the Renaissance were breaking the traditional role. Isabella also set fashion trends and standards that appeared very popular. She was also inventing dances. She had a good impact on all women, and was a major inspiration. Some people might say that it wasn’t right for the woman to have an education back then, and yes, this is understandable cause it was very unheard of then. Although, she majorly impacted this world, if it wasn’t for her, the way society looks at girls compared to guys wouldn’t be the same.
            Isabella D'este was a patron of the arts, which was the love and soul of the Renaissance. It's what the Renaissance was all about; lots of art, and creativity was contagious, and Isabella decided to display some of the art from local artists in her home. She ended up having so much amazing art from so many artists, that she turned her house into a museum. The museum attracted many artists, writers, sculptors, actors, and musicians from all around to their area, Isabella got to know most of them rather well. When all these artists and musicians came, and made the population grow, they just made the environment better. They were living there and creating their art there and becoming a part of the Renaissance. They helped the Renaissance grow. She helped the Renaissance grow. It is true that Isabella herself wasn’t known for being an artist, she was a singer, and musician though. She played the lute and was known to be physically attractive and had an angelic voice. Isabella was a big part of the arts during the Renaissance.
            She was the closest a woman came to writing history during the Renaissance. When she was sixteen years old she could sing, dance, play the lute, and intelligently debate with ambassadors. One of the strongest, and most powerful women of the Renaissance period by far. When her husband couldn’t rule, she did, and when she did, she signed a peace treaty and he got freed. When her husband was released, he was ill and weak, so he couldn’t rule for awhile, so she did. When Fransisco saw how intelligent and powerful her wife was, and that she was upstaging him, he was humiliated and furious. He stared being mean to her, and making fun of her. She knew she shouldn’t have to put up with him not appreciating her, so she was independent and went to Rome, where she was treated like a queen for all she's known for. She accomplished her life's dream and ruled a tiny part in Romanga, Solaria. She has obviously done a lot with her life. Much more than most women in the Renaissance period. Women back then didn’t do things like that, yes, most women, but Isabella D'este did.
            Without Isabella D'este, woman could not have had the equality  to men at the time they did, it would have taken way longer, and probably wouldn’t have gone as great. The Renaissance wouldn’t have been as incredible without her turning her house into a museum full of local artists work. She is an incredible woman, leader, and person. What a great role model she is model too, she has such a major influence on the Renaissance and how our world is today, she was a big deal who needs more recognition and credit for all she has done. Isabella D'este should obviously should be the next Renaissance Idol!

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