Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Well friday is the last day of school for the Seniors. Tomorrow is the senior assembly... with the baby pictures, slideshow, and moving up in seating and such. I am going to cry SO much! Molly from TATU was also my 6th grade reading buddy back when I was in 3rd grade, and today I realized it was the last time I would see her.... when we hugged goodbye I started crying. Hell, I am on the verge of tears just thinking about it. Imagine tomorrow.... Saying goodbye to all those seniors.... All those seniors... who I have looked up to for almost a year. Wow. To think I will be done with high school in three short years... It is amazing how fast this year went, like I can hardly believe it. I wish them all the best of luck in that big world. I am not going to wear hardly any makeup tomorrow, cause I dont want to have mascara running down my cheeks all day:P Cause I KNOW I will be crying practically nonstop. Goodness I will miss them:'(

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