Monday, June 13, 2011

People are bothering me lately

Its crazy, I love her, but shes driving me insane!!!

She like gets in "I dont care" moods and like, doesnt say anything, and doesnt do anything and just sits there typing on her phone. And I asked her what was wrong when she was in this mood on sunday and she wouldnt give me any answers and then like she just wont do anything! And shes a real bitch when shes like this! And then like, she makes me feel stupid and not good enough and stuff and yeah.

Oh and she says she has a secret Twitter that only she knows about and its just "her place" and Im totally okay with this but I am just worried. And then one day she asked me what I would do if I found out she cut, and I think I said cut, and she said thats what she was afraid of. And I am just really worried about her lately.

And then daddy. He is all "Whatever, fuck you" Well thats what it feels like anyways. I am doing a slut walk on Sunday but apparently there is a big family dinner with family i never see and they dont give a shit about me that day and dad says family is more important than a slut walk and im like this is to prevent girls from getting raped, do you want me to get prego at 16? And hes all "there are other rape prevention stuff" and im all whatever. I just dont want to be here anymore. And then he just looks down on me as if Im stupid and not worth anything.


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