Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I am really upset. I am loosing interest in blogging. I dont know what to blog about anymore! It used to be my life! :( Now watching beauty gurus on Youtube is my life. Maybe I should find a life that is off the interwebs?

I was going to vent here, but I dont know. It just doesnt seem right. But... I dont know. I have had frequent bad nights, lately. Like one or two a week. And I have been worrying about Chad lately. But.. I dont know. I have been trying to find my passion. In 8th grade I was obsessed with drawing, and this year I have been obsessed with photography and poetry. Maybe thats me... Im always changing. Is that possible? Or am I just set to be something, and will get there one day, or was it drawing and I already passed it? I also am obsessed with makeup lately. Gah I lost my thoughts. I am sorry. Goodnight. Hopefully I will have something to post about soon <3

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