Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pro-Ana sites?!

Ive never heard of Pro-Ana sites before.

Turns out theyre terrible!!!!
Basically websites that teach and encourage you to be anorexic.

Terrible, right?!!

Gosh... I used to be anorexic, but I overcame it. The sad thing is, I didnt get a real boyfriend until I became anorexic... And since Phil just dumped me yesterday, I am thinking about going back to anorexia... and I havent eaten much the past few days... So looks like I will be going back to that...

On another note, I havent "Cut" cut in.... 43 days!!! Yay! I came sooo close yesterday, I had the wire poked into my skin, and left a poke hole or something. But I didnt. And when Phil and I broke up, I didnt!!! :D

I must be strong.... :)

1 comment:

  1. I just want to impart my "old house wife knowledge", or nagging I'm sure you'll call it:) But..I know life seems really trivial right now and it seems that no one understands, but try not to get so caught up in the drama that school brings. You will graduate and only keep in touch with a handful of your friends. And really, boys aren't worth it right now. They won't matter until you meet the one (after high school) that makes your world go round. Be a "kid" and enjoy life! It's really not as bad as you think:) Before you realize it, you are married have three kids and blog to keep your sanity...or maybe that's just me;)
