Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gotta pick one of these three poems?

Okay, so Freedom of Expression night is coming up, and auditions are today after school and tomorrow after school. Basically a talent show. I was thinking about doing a poem of mine, cause a friend suggested that I should:P Not sure, but maybe... just maybe. I just want to know which one of these poems would be better if I did do it, so to whoevers reading this, please pick one!
Please and thank you!:)

How I see
I am no grace,
I am not the lucky one,
Iam an unknown wish,
Someday, somehow, I'll be better,
Amazing people in here, they'll take me there,
I'm a be your honor,
I'ma be a dream,
Gonna show you all, just how I see
Searchin', dreamin', finding what I am,
Don't think I'll let myself, let you down again

Staring out the window,
Thought it was so stereotypical,
Mezmerised by each drop of rain,
It still comes through storm and sunshine,
Lives on, gotten strong, survived through it all,
Much better than staring at a wall.

It's alright
One thing, to not ruin my bliss,
This bliss, from our last kiss,
Something, it showed me it's alright,
No way I'm a end it, not tonite,
Everything seems to give me some hope,
I'm worth something, and that I now know

Believing, becoming
I must be, gotta be, should be... Am I?
I'm somebody, who deserves somebody, I'm worth it, right?
When mommy's sayin that she hates me, but I see the smile on her face,
Meaning of it defied by the smile, she and I both realize,
His girlfriend getting mad, he hasn't come to bed yet,
Cause once again he's busy talking me off the ledge,
Daddy blows the smoke away from my face, so I can breathe,
He's trying so hard, giving his all, yet to him, I won't speak,
I complained about how I looked to him, the look in his eyes,
As he says I can never say that again, not one more time,
You're watching me, turn into someone you and I can both be proud of,
Finally I'm believeing, becoming, someone whos worth it.

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