Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I wanna be natural and organic!

A good friend of mine, Katelyn, her family is super natural and organic! They cook all their meals, and they are vegitarian, and they composte, they use organic makeup and organic everything! and its just amazing! Also, my other best friend, Shelly, is a vegetarian. I wanna be that!!!

So, I vow from this day forward to try and eat more healthy and try and get all natural products! Hope daddy will support me! The earth has housed me! It deserves this! <3 you, earth!

So Katelyns sister has a vlog on youtube, and she talks about makeup-beauty stuff- and just everything! All of its all natural, so its a good place to start for me! Her username is "whatChelsealoves" So check her out!

Hope I actually can follow through with this! :)

I just wanna be a better person, ya know?! :)

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