Sunday, April 17, 2011

Met Jameson today :)

Yeah, Jameson? Tristans friend?
Who I met today for the first time, yet has been talking to since December 19th, 2009 :)
Who was my first love?
Who hurt me?
 Who makes me constantly fall for him? Who has a major effect on me?
Who knows EVERYTHING about me? Who still talks to me? Who is proud of me?
Who is one of my reasons for not cutting? Who has made me into the person I am today?
Who gives amazing hugs? Who got me obsessed with hugs?
Who has made me into a good person? Who has opened my eyes?
Who cares? Who is adorable? Who is a great kisser?
Who I trust completely? Who is the sweetest guy ever? Who writes good poetry?
Who says I'm beautiful?
Who has made me happy? Who... makes everything alright? Who is my muse, my inspiration?
Who makes me feel alive? Who makes me feel special? Who I am texting right now?
 Who I would risk it all for? Who I would give it all for? 
Who has stayed in my life longer than any other guy?
Who I have litterally never gone a day without thinking about?

 Who is the one guy who has my heart, once again?

Yeah, thats Jameson <3

Well I met him today. It doesnt matter that we madeout in the dressing rooms.

 It matters that in the middle of making out, he stopped, took a step back, and looked at me and said, "You're beautiful."
 It matters that he didnt go five minutes without complimenting me. It matters that he didnt make me cover up my scars. It matters that he said he is glad he came. It matters that he kept staring at me "cause I am so pretty" It matters that he didnt seem dissapointed at all. It mattered that he said after today, he couldnt stay away from someone like me:) It mattered that its not what I expected, but I just feel like crying, because I feel amazing.


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