Sunday, April 24, 2011

Just popping in and sharing my thoughts!

Oh, happy easter!!! He has risen!!!!

Well I am in a pretty good mood! Wanna know why? No? Too bad I'm gonna share anyways!

First, I have had lots of candy and sugar in multiple forms in the past 48 hours! Yummy:) I already paid the price for that though, I feel SOOO sick. But better now! :D
Second, I talked to Jameson this morning. He texted me at like, 1am saying "Morning!" I always feel incredibly speshul when he texts me first:) So we've been talking and its been a good conversation of basically nothing, but it lasted longer then most of our conversations recently :) Hes going through a tough time, and I just want him to know I am here for him :)
Third, I feel pretty again. And my hair is soft <3 I recently got more foundation! So friday I put some on, along with the powder stuff Katelyn gave me, and I glowed! At school Schnabel and Rebecca both said my skin looked good :D So glad I got it when I did, I just got a pimple. And its one of those pimples that if you try and pop it you get a migrain.
Fourth, I just got an iTunes giftcard, and litterally just spent it like thirty seconds ago. I bought some P!NK, and the Songs for Japan album. The Songs for Japan album is really amazing, its like 39 songs for $9.99!!!! Crazy aweosme! Also, I will prolly try and get the rest of the pennies sorted so I can get the $25 giftcard!
Fifth, I am going to my Grandma Leonas in a few hours for Easter dinner, and then Abu and Schnabel are coming over tonite and were finally gonna do the TITANIC CRYFEST! Gosh I love Abu. I miss him like crazzzyyy!!!
Sixth, I am insanely out of my mind excited for the Freedom of Expression night!! I am insanely nervous at the same time, but that doesnt seem to matter. Haha. I am trying to memorize Sarah Kays' poem "If I should have a daughter". The poem is AMAZING and exactly what I want to say, and there is only 14 days until the show. So I have time, but its gonna be insanely hard to memorize, its like, three and a half minutes of random hopeful things. Its AWESOME. I dont even know if I want Jameson or Tony to come. I dont know if I want that pressure:/
Seventh, arts week is in two weeks, and Freedom of Expression night kicks it off. If you submit your art, it will be displayed for all to see. I reallyyyyyyyy wnana submit something. So I stole some canvas from the art room and I think I'm gonna steal some more and then on one it will say "HAVE HOPE. GIVE HOPE" and the other will be like, "FAITH, HOPE" but I was also thinking to have like three and one be "HAVE HOPE" the second say "GIVE HOPE" and another say "FATH AND HOPE!" Not quite sure yet.
Eighth, I want to go to the Brittany Spears Concert on June 29th @The Tacoma Dome. and Selena Gomez at the Puyallup fair on September 12!
Ninth, On August 20, my sister Randi is getting married again!:D My goal is to look good in the wedding dress!!!!
Tenth, I am majorly into poetry at the moment!!!!! I just got like, ten poetry apps, and I just downloaded like a bunch of podcasts of spoken word, I am just majorly into poetry. :D
Eleventh, I realized I havent been bullied in a long, long time!!
Eleventh, my mother is in rehab at the second best rehabilitation center in the country! I talked to her last night and she sounded sooooooo happy! I honestly want to cry. the success rate there is like 70%!!!! And she actually might have a chance... I can't even imagine what that would be like... to have a mother again...
Twelfth, okay, so I want to surprise all my friends on thursday with this, so I havent told any of them, but none of them can read it on this blog. So, on thursday, it will have been TWO MONTHS without cutting. So, so, so happy. I feel SO superior. I feel strong, powerful, amazing, and FREAKIN FANTASTIC!
Thirteenth, I am 15!!! I feel so old!!! Just yeah. Lol
Fourteenth! Well friday TATU has their presentations at the middle school. Sooo freaking excited and nervous at the same time!!!!!!:D Gosh I cant believe I will be that girl from TATU from the high school. OMG!!!!

Anywho, yeah, thats my life. I love having a blog and being able to just, pour it all out there!!!

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