Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Secrets I was going to post on

My friend called me, having a breakdown telling me her dad started yelling at her in the middle of Olive Garden for being a terrible person. She is the friendliest person at school, but only few people know she used to cut, and has attempted suicide. I knew. I made my dad take me to her house, even though it was a school night, and I spent the night at her house. She told me the next day, I saved her from suicide and cutting. But I cut that night again...

After reading every single secret on this website, in my mind, all those "skinny" girls, must all be anorexic/bulemic. I am a 14yr old girl, and i weigh 145lbs. I know its probaly not true, but every skinny girl that im friends with, admits to it. I am not at all skinny, and when Im with them, I make sure they eat and dont throw it up. I care. I hope they're okay...

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