Friday, February 4, 2011

Got my valentines!

Well, febuary is coming fast, and that means one thing. Valentines! I love giving out valentines!!! I got three different kinds this year! I got Picture search valentines, Puppy and kitens ones, then Disney Princess ones! Yay!
Valentines day sucks tho, like, for single people, and people in a relationship, cause people who are single feel suckish, then people in a relationship have to do all that mushy valentines day crap. Now, this might just be me, being a girl, but I hate nothing more then getting gifts from people. Especially guys!!!!! I just feel... so.. BLAH! Especially if they spent money on it!! Ahh am I the only one who feels this way? And to make matters worse, this valentines day, I just happen to have a boyfriend!

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