Thursday, February 3, 2011

Me and Monsters!

Well, I had my first real Monster at the Silvertips game, that me and Shelly went to last week. But, since, I have had like 3!!!!! The one I had at the silvertips game, kept me going all weekend, with like 5 hours of sleep total!

Then the one they gave us at the game that I drank tuesday morning, made my pulse go to 280 when I was sitting in class, doing nothing (Yeah, that monstor all to myself, was a very bad idea), and made me..... crazy!

Then Shelly had one today, and I drank some of it, and I wasn't that crazy, but I had enough to keep me awake and be a little on the hyper side, so thats good enough:)

And today also, one of the best seniors at my school, Logan, got his winter wish to come true, and got 4 monters!!! He was cool enough to give me one too!!! So, just a warning, tomorow, I might be a little hyper....

And thats the story of me and monters! So, if you want me to be normal, dont give me one. But, if you want me to be a crazy bitch of a phsycopath, who is dangerously hyper and seriously might explode, then give me a MONSTER!

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