Friday, February 18, 2011

Scratching the surface

I heard this in a movie "I could write a thousand songs about him, and I'd just be scratching the surface."
And its so true! Usually I write a bajillion songs on that
special guy at the moment, but with Jon, its like,
hes to amazing to put into words! I could never write enough songs
about how amazing he is, but I will try.

Also, Shelly and Jeff broke up.

I thought they were so perfect!
And I didnt think they would ever break up! Gosh, if theres no hope for them,
wheres the hope for the rest of us!?
Also, Jeff talked to me about it before he actually broke up with her.
He told me the reasons he was going to break up, and I realized that I
 dont think those reasons apply with me and Jon.. I dont think Jon and I will break
up for a long, long time, if ever. Is it bad to have this much faith in our relationship?
Gosh this all feels like a dream... I guess maybe they brokeup cause maybe it was a
sign, like from the full moon, saying that Shelly and Jeff werent meant to be,
but Jon and I are, and that we need to fly, and be our own relationship and stop
 doing everything only cause Shelly and Jeff
wanted to do it. Ahh I dont know. 

Besides that, I told Devin that I had been cutting
 and the is uber disapointed in me. Oh well, I think
we're good, and that deal only made things worse.
 And now Im home free to cut.

Oh, and Im going on Suncadia today, for 4 days.
 SOOOOO excited. And reallly hoping I dont get strepthroat,
menstruate, or have
somehting that ruins it. So excited!!!!!!

Also, Tony told me that he once attempted
suicide. Wow... And I thought he was perfect. Damn.
Glad to know hes not. Hes good at
helping... Cause I vented to him about the whole thing
about Jeff wanting to die,
and me saving him.

Also, Im trying to be less afraid. Like,
I'm afraid to go to Jons house alone, but thats all behind me.
Im not going to be afraid of anything.
Like when Im ice skating,
Im afraid of falling, not anymore.

Anywho, Hope everythings good for the world out there!

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