Sunday, March 13, 2011

This is March

Wow! Only three days until im 15!! Wow! There are so many march bdays! Like, Me on the 16th, Schnabel on the 4th, Trixy on the 18th, Amys on the 25th, Jesus on the 29th, Alycias on the 12th, Krystophers on the 13th.

Oh! and concerts! Wow, Lifehouse on the 5th that I had to miss:( Three days grace, which I really wanted to go to, on the 23rd, My Chemical Romance which I didnt really care for on the 22nd, And just wow! Rise Against/ Bad Religion in a month as of yesterday!!!! I personally dont care for Rise Against that much, but I really want to go to another rock concert, so this works! Besides, its gonna be me and Katie without any adult or anything!!! Yay!

OH! And March 15-17th, is HSPE testing for sophmores, juniors, and seniors. So, me being a freshmen get to come to school at 10am! Not 7! H-E double hockey sticks! Yes! Lol for the win:D Daddys also going to take me out to breakfast for my bday:)

Also, I just bought a necklace when I went shopping with Jesus last night and it is an elephant and its sparkly and from For Love 21, and its amazing! Love it!

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