Saturday, January 29, 2011

Random Thought #1

Well, its like 4AM. Still not that tired. Not giddy though, so thats good, although, its a little disappointing.

When I was at the hockey game, I realized that I want to start ice skating again!:D And, maybe get into ice hockey eventually. So, tonite (well, i guess its actually morning. Oh well) But yeah, I had disney channel on in the background and guess what movie came on!? GO FIGURE! For all of you out there, who dont know why that movie is so awesome, its about a girl who is a figure skater, but then starts playing ice hockey. Theres more to it, but thats all that you need to know. Anyways, isn't that so ironic?! Well, I think it is:)  Haha yeah, i love that movie:)

Yeah, so now Charlie and Lola is on. I love britishness:P

I guess that since I have to wake up in 4 hours.. I should probaly go to bed.... But I'm not dead tired yet, so it looks like I'm gonna spruse up this ol' blog o' mine:)

For those of you, who haven't had the luck of running into the show My Life as Liz on MTV, its probaly one of the BEST shows ever. Liz? Shes just pretty much the most awesome thing ever. Well, next to pants. Pants rock too!

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