Saturday, January 29, 2011

No Monsters after Noon!

Tonite, me, my father, and my best friend Shelly went to a SILVERTIPS game! We only got there in time to see like, the last period of it. But in that time, we saw 6 fights! Normaly, I hate violence, it just... its like the worst thing ever for me. This time, when it was like, right in front of us, it was different. I loved it! I don't know what came over me, but I loved every minute of it!

Also, I had a Monster(blue) cause i was terribly tired, like to the point where if I rested my head on Shellys shoulder, I would konk out for good. It didnt really wake me up that much, but it woke me up enough. I thought that I was just too tired for it to do anything to me. But here I am.. 5 hours later, at 2am... and CANT SLEEP! D: I swear, its the most agrivating thing ever when you cant sleep. Blah. Hope if someones reading this, that they have better luck sleeping then me.

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