Sunday, January 30, 2011

A message to guys out there.

Please. Dont make a girl fall for you if you have NO intention on catching her.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Some Quotes:)

Lifes journey is always easier when you hear a friends footsteps beside you.

Its better to be hated for what you are then loved for what your not.

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."
~Helen Keller~

New Middle Name:D

My aunt, Penny, and I recently were talking about middle names. I, fortunately was given no middle name when I was born, so I could chose it when I got older. Thanks parents! My aunt, Penny, she mentioned that no one ever has the middle name Penny. I thought about that for a second, and its true. We both agreed that people name their dogs Penny, and they would say "I had a dog named Penny, he/she died..." *AWKWARD SILENCE*

So, I decided that when I am 18, I am going to make my middle name Penny!

No Katy Perry for me:'(

Daddy forgot that today tickets were going on sale to see Katy Perry in concert, and my friend just texted me saying that they are most likely sold out, but I checked, and theyre not but they probaly will be by the time daddy gets home:'( Oh well, ill go to other concerts:D

Going Bonkers for...

Aren't these just Dandy? I thought so!

Random Thought #1

Well, its like 4AM. Still not that tired. Not giddy though, so thats good, although, its a little disappointing.

When I was at the hockey game, I realized that I want to start ice skating again!:D And, maybe get into ice hockey eventually. So, tonite (well, i guess its actually morning. Oh well) But yeah, I had disney channel on in the background and guess what movie came on!? GO FIGURE! For all of you out there, who dont know why that movie is so awesome, its about a girl who is a figure skater, but then starts playing ice hockey. Theres more to it, but thats all that you need to know. Anyways, isn't that so ironic?! Well, I think it is:)  Haha yeah, i love that movie:)

Yeah, so now Charlie and Lola is on. I love britishness:P

I guess that since I have to wake up in 4 hours.. I should probaly go to bed.... But I'm not dead tired yet, so it looks like I'm gonna spruse up this ol' blog o' mine:)

For those of you, who haven't had the luck of running into the show My Life as Liz on MTV, its probaly one of the BEST shows ever. Liz? Shes just pretty much the most awesome thing ever. Well, next to pants. Pants rock too!

Concerts I'm Craving!

Soo many great people doing concerts this year! SO flippen excited!

Here are some of the concerts that sounds fantastic:

Katy Perry-July 20
Lifehouse-March 5
Good Charlotte-March 22
Three days grace-March 23
U2-June 4
My Chemical Romance-April 3
Pat Benatar-April 15, 16
Taylor Swift-Sept 7

No Monsters after Noon!

Tonite, me, my father, and my best friend Shelly went to a SILVERTIPS game! We only got there in time to see like, the last period of it. But in that time, we saw 6 fights! Normaly, I hate violence, it just... its like the worst thing ever for me. This time, when it was like, right in front of us, it was different. I loved it! I don't know what came over me, but I loved every minute of it!

Also, I had a Monster(blue) cause i was terribly tired, like to the point where if I rested my head on Shellys shoulder, I would konk out for good. It didnt really wake me up that much, but it woke me up enough. I thought that I was just too tired for it to do anything to me. But here I am.. 5 hours later, at 2am... and CANT SLEEP! D: I swear, its the most agrivating thing ever when you cant sleep. Blah. Hope if someones reading this, that they have better luck sleeping then me.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Personal Shorthand, humor is CONCERNED!

On facebook, I was tagged in one of those things where you go to wikipedia and get a random event, then go to another site and get the last couple words of a quote, then go to flicker and get the 3rd picture, then combine them all on Picnik. This is the outcome: I personally cannot get over how amazing this picture is!!!

Isn't this photo... stunning!?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Something that made me cry today

Well, P!NK recently came out with a new song, called "F****** Perfect" And when it came out, I feel in <3 with it, so I bought it, and sang along with it in the radio obnoxiously:)

I knew there was going to be a music video for it, and i knew it was going to be incredible.

I was right. <--To watch the music video

I can especially relate to this one, because society freaking sucks. And it gets tiring having to pretend to be perfec all the freaking time.

Society has teenage boys stereotped at being a player and only wanting to get laid, and putting more pressure on the teenage boys who are actual gentlemen and have more on their mind then just sex. I dont even know where to begin with what society has done to girls. Age 6 starting cutting, starving themselves too thin, spending countless hours and hundreds of dollars wasted on trying to be perfect. Or just to be enough, and then still failing. Being molested, and abused, and raped, and treated like worthless pieces of s***. Why has society decided that this is what we like and this is how we get accepted, well this is all bull crap. Like i said, society, you freaking SUCK!

Body Language

Today my friend Kelly, did a presentation on wanting to be a phscyatrist when shes older. I learned that they get paid like 77$ an HOUR! :O And i really like the sound of that! So, I was thinking about how she said that she would be good at that because she can read peoples body language very well, so I'm gonna start doing some research on reading peoples body language!! I dont know where to start, but I think it would be kinda cool to like, be talking to someone, and if they fiddle with like, something on their pants then they feel nervous or something! That would be sooo cool!!!

Good Saying

Dear Blank, you broke my heart. Dear Whoever, you tried to put it back together. Dear You, duct tape doesnt last forever.

My friend Kayla just posted this as a status. I thought it was cute:) So I'm sharing it with you! Its kinda true though. We've all had our share of heartbreaks, and lovers. Never give up hope.. someone would die for you without a second thought <3

2 Quotes for today

Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will.
-Jawaharal Nehru
The fact is that in order to do any thing in this world worth doing, we must not stand shivering on the bank thinking of the cold and the danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.Sydney Smith

Song of the Moment:

The Warmth by Incubus!
Listen to the song at-->


I'd like to close my eyes, go numb
but there's a cold wind coming from
the top of the highest high-rise today.
It's not a breeze 'cause it blows hard.
Yes and it wants me to discard the humanity I know,
watch the warmth blow away.

So don't let the world bring you down.
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold.
Remember why you came and while you're alive
experience the warmth before you grow old.

So do you think I should adhere to that pressing new frontier?
And leave in my wake a trail of fear?
Or should I hold my head up high
and throw a wrench in spokes by
leaving the air behind me clear?

So don't let the world bring you down.
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold.
Remember why you came and while you're alive
experience the warmth before you go.

So don't let the world bring you down.
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold.
Remember why you came and while you're alive
experience the warmth before you grow old.

Before you grow old.
Where did it go? (x4)

**End Of Song**

I personally think this song is beautiful.
I think I've heard of Incubus before, but I dont think I ever bothered to listen to them until yesterday.
Yesterday, my friend Tony told me to look them up, and I did, and i instantly fell in love with this song! Also, the lyrics are amazing! I have been kind of sad lately, depressed really. And I concidered cutting again, but I didnt! : D

In my opinion, this song gave me HOPE! And it made me realize that, even though there are bad people in this world, there are also many many many good people! And that, no matter how bad your life seems at the moment, you were put on this earth for a reason!!  I hope this song gave someone else hope like it did me!!

My reason for starting a blog

Well, first of all, I have been addicted to one bloggers blog/website, for quite some time now, and its very inspirational to me. The Notebook doodles! The blogger is amazing! And i love it! Its so modern, cheik, new, and chill! Yeah, so Im just gonna try blogging again I guess! I think the main focus on this blog will be like, lyrics, pics, art, quotes, etc. I think that kinda has the right flow, you think? So lets go!